Looking for a place to start?
When you’re trying to learn about what financial moves to make, it can be confusing. There is so much information out there, so let me help you decide where to start.
Money Tools You Can Use
Check out our list of partner tools (plus a few others) you can use to help with your student loans, increase credit + more.
The Academy
Want the fastest way to financial security? Join me inside Her Money Mastery Academy. It’s like a 1:1 session, but even better!
Amazon Store
Looking for cash stuffing binders, my favorite pens, books about money, and more? Head over to my Amazon Store and check out the items I’ve bookmarked!
Budget Templates
Whether you want printable budget sheets or digital calculators, I got you. These are the templates I built for myself years ago, and still use today.
Still Unsure?
Here are some common questions people write in about, and the answers!
I'm a complete beginner - what do I do first?
I'm in debt and don't know where to start. Help!
Do you do 1:1 sessions?
Got a question? I'm all ears!
Reach out if you have a question or need help – I’m just an email away 🙂
Email Me