Digital Download:

Debt Payoff Calculators 

These calculators are for you if you:

➡️Are in debt and need a plan.
➡️Are too scared to even look at how much debt you're in.
➡️Want to pay off your debt fast.
➡️Are ready to get out of debt and STAY out of debt!

*Delivered as a digital download - no physical product will be shipped and you can use it right away.


Wondering What's Inside?

Let's take a peek...

PDF Instructions + Link

The PDF has a ton of info about both debt payoff methods, instructions for how to set up the calculators, worksheets to fill out, and a link to create your own copy of the calculators for yourself!
*Will be sent to you after purchase*


You don’t have to use any brain power to see your debt disappear. You'll set up all your data and the calculator will automatically create plans for both the snowball and avalanche methods - you get to choose which you want to use!

Walkthrough Video

A full walkthrough video of the entire calculator is included to show you exactly how to set it up and get started ASAP! Within an hour you'll have all the plans you need to slay your debt EASILY. The link is inside the PDF!

The PDF has everything you need and all the instructions to get started, plus the link to make your own copy of the calculators.

In less than an hour, you could have a solid debt plan. 

My students have used this same calculator to pay off debts starting in the FIRST month!

Ready to get started?


PDF Instructions + Link

The PDF has a ton of info about both debt payoff methods, instructions for how to set up the calculators, worksheets to fill out, and a link to create your own copy of the calculators for yourself!

Snowball Calculator

The snowball calculator has columns to organize all your debts, a space to add in a monthly extra payment, and best of all, it’s auto-calculated for you. You don’t have to use any brain power to see your debt disappear.

Avalanche Calculator

The avalanche calculator is also completely auto-calculated. All you have to do is plug in your debt information and watch the magic happen. All instructions are in the PDF for  you!

The PDF has everything you need and all the instructions to get started, plus the link to make your own copy of the calculators.

In less than an hour, you could have a solid debt plan. 

My students have used this same calculator to pay off debts starting in the FIRST month!

Ready to get started?



The Debt Payoff Calculators

✨PDF Instructional Guide
✨Explanations of each method
✨Google Sheets Calculators
✨Debt Dashboard + Payoff Plans
✨Snowball Method
✨Avalanche Method
✨Debt Journey Worksheet

These calculators would normally be priced at $27, but right now you can grab them for just 


You ready?


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